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Chairs and Deputy Chairs for QAA Subject Benchmark Statements

QAA leads the development and review of Subject Benchmark Statements. These Statements are reviewed on a cyclical basis to ensure they are current and as useful as possible for discipline communities in order to fulfill a range of purposes, such as securing academic standards in course design and review.

We are inviting expressions of interest from the academic and subject community to act as Chairs and Deputy Chairs for the following subjects.

  • Architecture 
  • Art and Design 
  • History of Art, Architecture and Design 
  • Social Work 
  • Sociology 
  • Social Policy

Chair and Deputy Chair selection and membership

QAA is committed to ensuring that the roles of Chair and Deputy Chair reflect the rich diversity of the subject communities they represent. We recognise the positive benefits of equity, diversity and inclusion. Our aim is to be truly representative of all sections of society, and for all to feel respected, free to be themselves no matter what their identity or background, and able to give their best. We value the differences that a variety of backgrounds, experiences, perspectives, and skills bring and strongly encourage suitably qualified applicants to apply.  


Please note that Chairs and Deputy Chairs can only be drawn from higher education providers who are QAA Members. If you are unsure about your eligibility, please consult the online list of current QAA Members. We are also happy to advise, please contact us on

Expectations and commitment

The role of the Chair/Deputy Chair will require a high level of commitment to ensure that the Statement is developed and published to an agreed timeframe. You will be required to chair Advisory Group meetings and delegate to any sub-groups within the main Advisory Group. Experience of editing reports, consolidating multiple contributions into a single report, writing clearly and succinctly for a range of different audiences, and working to deadlines are essential elements of the Chair’s role.

Please read the Responsibilities of Chairs/Deputy Chairs document below for more details on the evidence criteria and expectations of the Chair/Deputy Chair.

Responsibilities of Chairs/Deputy Chairs of QAA Subject Benchmark Statement Advisory Groups

Publication date: 16 Sep 2024

Reviewing and publishing existing Subject Benchmark Statements usually takes between 12 and 15 months and you will need to make a commitment for the whole period of the review.

There is no remuneration for the role of Chair/Deputy Chair on a QAA Advisory Group. Meetings take place virtually using Microsoft Teams.

Key dates and milestones

These are the key dates and milestones anticipated for the review: 

Subject Benchmark Statements
January / February 2025 First Advisory Group meetings
February - July 2025 Review and drafting phase including regular (usually five) Advisory Group meetings
September - November 2025 Consultation phase including an open consultation with the subject community and other interested parties
November 2025 - January 2026 Post-consultation analysis of responses and adjustment of the Statement
March - April 2026 Publication of revised Statements

Additions to the Statements

QAA is committed to ensuring the Statements reflect developments in the subject communities and agendas in the higher education sector. The revised Statements will include consideration of the following topics, so we are keen to hear from the academic community who have both subject expertise and awareness or experience in one or more of the following areas:

  • Education for sustainable development 
  • Equality, equity, diversity and inclusivity - with a focus both on inclusion in the context of curriculum content and student characteristics
  • Accessibility and the requirements of disabled students
  • Enterprise and/or entrepreneurship education
  • Generative artificial intelligence

How to submit an expression of interest

If you would like to be considered for the role of Chair/Deputy Chair, please submit an expression of interest via our online survey evidencing how you meet the person specification. 


Please do not only submit a list of past roles and publications, but instead use the space available to draw out the best examples of evidence that support your claims to the required attributes and experience.   


A Microsoft Word version of the expression of interest questions is available to help you prepare your submission.  

Subject Benchmark Statements: Expression of Interest survey questions

Publication date: 16 Sep 2024

The deadline to submit an expression of interest is Friday 18 October 2024 at midday.

For enquiries relating to Subject Benchmark Statements, please contact