QAA International Membership provides vision, expertise and guidance on the topics that matter to your staff and students, ensuring your institution is well equipped to face the opportunities and challenges of a rapidly changing global higher education environment.
We work in partnership with, and for, all our members to deliver high quality services that:
- safeguard academic standards and champion academic integrity
- enhance the quality of the student learning experience, wherever students are studying
- support continuous improvement of approaches to quality assurance.
Dr Hanadi Kadbey
Head - Institutional Research & Effectiveness, Emirates College for Advanced Studies
By being a QAA International Member, ECAE is better placed to strengthen our network of higher education quality assurance professionals in the UK and around the world. We have access to the latest international thinking and can remain up to date with international best practices, using this to inform and shape our quality assurance systems and processes.
Types of International Membership
There are two tiers of QAA International Membership:
Full International Membership offers access to a comprehensive range of services and expertise including resources, guidance, staff training, networking opportunities, briefings and entitlement to display the QAA International Membership Badge. Full Membership is available only to those institutions who have achieved International Quality Review (IQR) accreditation from QAA.
International Associate Membership delivers a valuable but less extensive range of resources, guidance, staff training and networking opportunities for higher education institutions who don’t yet have IQR accreditation but are recognised by their local quality agency. International Associate Members are not eligible to use the QAA International Membership Badge.
Benefits of International Membership
As a QAA International Member, you will benefit from:
- informative, timely and responsive quality enhancement resources designed to support you in improving your provision
- opportunities for staff development
- a programme of activities that offers opportunities to learn from international colleagues through sharing of the best of international practice.
For those institutions with, or seeking to establish, UK partnerships it will provide opportunities to make new connections and develop knowledge about the UK higher education system through resources, collaborative projects, conferences and other activities. QAA Membership includes 98% of all UK universities.
Watch our short film to find out more
Lead a Collaborative Enhancement Project
QAA International Members and International Associate Members can also submit a proposal to lead a QAA Collaborative Enhancement Project (CEP), which offers funding for groups of member institutions to work together to explore areas of shared interest and engage students. Find out more in the International Members section.
Calendar of events and publications
The International Membership Calendar for 2024-25 will be published shortly. Take a look at our International Membership calendar from 2023-24 for an indication of the types of events and resources that International Membership usually includes.
Become a QAA International Member
Becoming a QAA International Member is a quick and easy process for eligible institutions. Simply complete the online application form for your chosen type of membership.
Alternatively, you can contact the QAA Global Team who will be happy to discuss membership options for your institution.