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We work closely with our members and sector bodies to ensure that nationally agreed reference points for quality and academic standards in higher education are current, relevant and effective. This includes Qualification Frameworks, Subject Benchmark Statements and Characteristics Statements, which all underpin the UK Quality Code for Higher Education.


In July 2022, we agreed with the UK Standing Committee for Quality Assessment (UKSCQA) that the time was right to hold a UK sector-wide conversation about the future scope and structure of the Quality Code.

To ensure it remains useful to the sector, we are embarking on a detailed set of conversations with our members, and other groups, to understand how they would like the Quality Code to evolve.

Find out more about the developments, including how you can join the discussions and share your views, on our Developments to the Quality Code web page.

Our membership activities and resources also focus on topics that have strategic importance to the maintenance of academic standards including: