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This project examined a range of practice innovations in multimodal digital education, resulting in the co-creation of cross-institutional principles and interactive resources that model future-facing learning, teaching, and assessment.

Multimodal digital strategies can empower educators to explore new pedagogical practices, connect students with a wider range of resources, and support new forms of knowledge production.

This project utilised actionable knowledge related to how educational spaces and practices are being reimagined through different conceptualisations of multimodality to inform new avenues for learning, teaching, and assessment.

The study examined initiatives in simulation-based learning, spatial fluency, digital exam practice and the student and staff understanding of the application of generative artificial intelligence in.


A toolkit which comprises and articulates the four lenses of authority, experience, practice and innovation – this is designed to be used as a framework through which to explore the development of multimodal education, illustrating effective practice models. This is intended to be used by leaders and practitioners to promote productive conversations underpinned by three key principles: clarity and transparency; an understanding of the relationships and interactions of learning ecologies; and a sensitivity to wider learning contexts.

Access the seven chapters of the Harnessing Multimodality Toolkit using the links below:

The toolkit is intended to be used by leaders and practitioners to promote productive conversations underpinned by three key principles: clarity and transparency; an understanding of the relationships and interactions of learning ecologies; and a sensitivity to wider learning contexts.

Four Lenses for Exploring Multimodal Practice

Expanding upon the four quadrants of the Conversational Framework (see Chapter 2,) four lenses are presented to support reflective conversations around key considerations for multimodal practice.

Tune into the podcast series

The project team are developing a podcast series which explores understandings of multimodalities. Each podcast addresses a sub-theme from the project including simulation in education, Artificial Intelligence, multimodality and assessment, and spatial fluency. These reflect the institutional priorities of the four project partners.

Read the project blog

Learn more about the project in blog posts by Professor Sam Elkington from Teesside University.

Lead institution: Teesside University

Partner institutions: Birmingham City University, University of Greenwich and Anglia Ruskin University

Other Collaborative Enhancement Projects

QAA supports a number of projects every year, covering a range of topics and interest areas. Each is led by a QAA Member, working in collaboration with other members institutions. You can find more information on all projects, and access resources and outputs, on our website.