Academic misconduct presents a threat to the world-class reputation of UK higher education. Students who cheat risk their academic and future careers, and also potentially enter the workforce without the necessary skills, knowledge and competence.
Academic integrity is extremely important to our members. We continue to identify sector issues and identify practical solutions by conducting research and developing supporting resources and activities.
Our video explains what academic integrity is, what the consequences of academic misconduct can be, and highlight the different kinds of support available to students within their own institutions.
Academic Integrity Advisory Group
The UK-wide Academic Integrity Advisory Group contains experts from across the UK and informs our activity in protecting academic integrity. Our web page explains more about the Group and lists its members.
Generative Artificial Intelligence - curation of resources
QAA publications
PODCAST - Academic Integrity
Si Bullock and Professor Michael Draper from Swansea University discuss academic integrity.
Blog - ENAI Conference highlights
Members of the QAA Academic Integrity Advisory Group share highlights from the the European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI) Annual Conference on Ethics and Integrity in Academia (July 2023).
Collaborative Enhancement Projects
Two of our Collaborative Enhancement Projects are producing a collection of publicly available resources. These include a model to aid the development of student academic integrity champions, guidance materials to deliver inclusive and accessible education with academic integrity, and good practice guides for accessibility and equity in proofreading (coming soon).
Academic Integrity Charter
QAA has developed an Academic Integrity Charter for UK higher education. It is intended to provide a baseline position upon which UK providers, as autonomous institutions, can build their own policies and practices to ensure that every student’s qualification is genuine, verifiable and respected.
Since launching the Charter on 21 October 2020, more than 200 institutions have already signed up. The Charter demonstrates the sector’s commitment to academic integrity, and helps us raise awareness of the impact of essay mills.
Supporting our members
Members can access materials relating to this area of work on our Membership Resources Site.
- Our Academic misconduct penalties advice and supporting webinars help members to develop fair and proportionate academic misconduct processes - we are continuing to explore the impact these approaches have on students’ learning experiences.
- In collaboration with members, an interactive webinar explores how course leaders can use innovative assessment design to reduce cases of contract cheating.
- Our Combatting academic fraud webinars focus on institution-wide approaches to reducing academic
misconduct and provided members with practical examples to adopt.
- A webinar focusing on academic misconduct data helps members to identify and address over-representation of BAME students in academic misconduct processes.
- A workshop on enhanced digital assessment security is designed to unpack some of the challenges providers have faced with digital assessment and explore the techniques and resources which mitigate risk to assessment and academic integrity.
Additional information
You may also find the following work in this area helpful.
- The extensive technical language that has evolved around academic integrity and misconduct can appear daunting. To demystify this terminology the European Network for Academic Integrity (ENAI) and Irish National Academic Integrity Network (NAIN) have produced some useful resources for learners, academics, and professional staff including: