Talking about Quality: Supporting Student Discussions on Quality, Standards and Value for Money
Publication date: 15 Feb 2021
Date: | February 15 - 2021 |
QAA’s latest resource, produced with and for our members, is aimed at helping students to think and talk about the quality of their learning experience with each other and with their institutions.
Talking about Quality: Supporting Student Discussions on Quality, Standards and Value for Money is intended to encourage effective communication between students and higher education providers regarding the nature of the student experience, including the ways this has changed due to COVID-19.
In particular, media attention around the value of higher education has intensified as a result of the pandemic. This short resource aims to help students to engage in the debate, armed with a clear understanding of key terms, such as ‘academic quality’ and ‘academic standards’ that are used in the sector.
This resource also outlines how students can be involved in ensuring quality and standards are achieved, and sets out some suggested questions to help students think and talk about the nature of their experience and the academic standards of their awards.
QAA has produced a series of guidance, advice and support to help providers and students in the pandemic. We produce this with and for our members.
Publication date: 15 Feb 2021