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New Country Report published: Japan

Date: July 15 - 2021

QAA has published a report on the higher education sector in Japan for International Insights Members. The resource is part of a series of Country Reports that QAA regularly produces to offer higher education providers who are International Insights members an overview of the higher education and regulatory landscape of key countries for UK transnational education (TNE), partnerships and collaboration. The reports offer high-level information and intelligence about regulations, challenges and opportunities, signposting to sources of further information.

There has been an increased focus on international collaboration and mobility within Japanese higher education in recent years, particularly since the UNESCO Asia-Pacific Regional Convention on the Recognition of Qualifications in Higher Education (Tokyo Convention) came into force in 2018. With a population of approximately 125 million people and over 3,900 higher education providers, Japan is a prime location for developing future collaboration and partnerships. The report aims to help International Insights Members who wish to expand operations in Japan by providing information on:

  • the higher education landscape in Japan
  • key policy drivers
  • the regulatory landscape and quality assurance
  • international student statistics
  • UK transnational education in Japan.

In producing Country Reports, QAA seeks to liaise with local regulators and quality assurance agencies, and other UK sector-bodies with relevant experience. We would particularly like to acknowledge the valuable contribution of the National Institution for Academic Degrees and Quality Enhancement of Higher Education (NIAD-QE) in the development this report.

QAA International Insights Members can access the Country Report on our Membership Resources site. Sign up to use the site by completing our simple registration form.

For more information about TNE, visit the TNE section of the QAA website. UK providers can also sign up to QAA’s new Quality Enhancement and Evaluation of UK TNE (QE-TNE) Scheme. The QE-TNE Scheme runs for five years and registration closes on 31 August 2021.

To find out more about subscribing to QAA's International Insights package, please visit our membership section or contact