Co-creation is not a new concept in higher education, but in recent years there has been a rapid expansion in the technology available to support it. This page brings together a range of resources to support you, including training courses, examples of institutional practice, and research.
- Cultivating collaborations with learner communities in HE | Association for Learning Technology, Chris Melia,
University of Central Lancashire
This case study looks at a pilot of Microsoft Teams in a Faculty of Health and Wellbeing. When students begin their journey, it is vital that they are able to connect with their peers and form meaningful relationships around their studies. For some students this can be challenging and there are a number of different factors that can have effect. Building communities in an ‘asynchronous environment’ enables students to learn at convenient times without having the need to physically host discussions.
- Enhancing the student digital experience: a strategic approach | Jisc
Supporting institutions to develop digital environments which meet students’ expectations and help them to progress to higher study and employment. - Empowering and engaging learners | Jisc
Supporting institutions to develop digital environments which meet students’ expectations and help them to progress to higher study and employment. - Developing successful student-staff partnerships | Jisc
Supporting you to work with students to develop your institution’s digital environment and create engaging learning experiences
- Introduction to co-creation, including technologies to support this activity | Bournemouth University
A quick introduction to co-creation: pedagogic perspectives, the tutor’s role, and common challenges. Includes introductions to technologies that can support co-creation, including Mahara, TurningPoint, Talis Aspire Reading Lists, uGrade, and PeerWise.
- Learning community card activity and instructions | Focus On: Collaborative Activity
This activity encourages participants to explore the characteristics of an effective learning community and consider questions around the design and delivery of effective collaborative activity.
- Co-creation of knowledge using mobile technologies and digital media as pedagogical devices in undergraduate STEM education | Jorge Reyna, Peter Meier
Digital media assignments are a widely used method of assessing student learning in higher education. Despite their common use, the literature on digital media assignments has many gaps regarding theoretical frameworks to guide their design, implementation and evaluation. This research paper focuses on student attitudes towards the use of mobile technology and digital media assignments in undergraduate STEM education. The study used a set of novel theoretical frameworks to identify training needs in digital media production, development of assessment weightings, marking rubrics and student training and resources. Longitudinal data were captured over a period of 4 years (n = 1724) using a mixed-methods approach. Validated questionnaires measured student attitudes to digital media support and attitudes to technology, understanding of the assignment, knowledge construction and digital media for learning and career development. Open-ended questions helped gather suggestions from students for improving the assessment task. Questionnaire data were analysed by using descriptive statistics and qualitative data with thematic analysis. The results suggested that students enjoyed group work, found learning with digital media to be engaging and developed critical thinking and digital media skills. In conclusion, STEM students had a positive learning experience repurposing mobile technology as pedagogical devices that present knowledge by using a multi-modal approach mediated by digital media.
- Empowering students: opportunities and pitfalls of using technologies in the co-creation of summative assessments | Nick Botfield, University of Bedfordshire
This interactive presentation seeks to show how students and academics alike can empower their practice through the use of technologies in co-creative assessment | from 17:50 in video.
- Course on open education: section on student co-creation | OpenLearn
This free course, Open Education, is an example of a massive open online course | MOOC. The section on student co-creation may be of particular use.
Practical and peer-assessment video evidence with equine, arboriculture and vet nursing students | Ali Hastie, Scotland’s Rural College
This webinar showcases the use of video evidence and peer-assessment within two multi-award-winning projects by Equine and Arboriculture students, and the team-based HNC Vet Nursing graded unit project.
Student co-design | Mollie Dollinger, La Trobe University
Webinar including material on using technology for scalability in co-creation | from 22:00 in video.