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Want to shape the experience of students at a national level? Opportunities to support the sector and develop your skills

Date: July 8 - 2022

We’re fast approach the end of another challenging year. The pandemic has continued to disrupt life inside and outside of study and its wider implications on the economy and individual and collective wellbeing will be felt for some time. How have you, your fellow students and academic and professional services staff been impacted? How have you, and they coped? What’s made a difference? If that’s got you thinking and you want to explore ideas on resilience and practical ways to help yourself and others, and you are seeking a fantastic personal development opportunity, then talk to us about the Enhancement Themes Student Lead and Deputy Student Lead roles. We are also seeking a strong student voice at sector level through student membership of the Scottish Higher Education Enhancement Committee. So, what are you waiting for? Go on and make a difference! 

We are seeking student nominations for the following key sector-level roles: 

  • student representatives for the Scottish Higher Education Enhancement Committee (SHEEC) (four positions for session 2022-23) 
  • Student Enhancement Theme Lead and Deputy (two positions for session 2022-23) 

Our films on The work of QAA Scotland; Student Engagement at QAA Scotland; and The Enhancement Themes will give you a good snapshot of what QAA Scotland is about. If you are looking for a more personal perspective on the Enhancement Themes, hear what our Student Theme Lead for 2021-22, Ondrej Kucerak has to say about this role. 

Need to chat? 

Interested but want to talk it through? We want to hear from you! If you would like to have a chat about either of the roles, please contact us at 

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September 11 - 2024


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