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Call for expressions of interest

Following four successful rounds of Collaborative Enhancement Projects, we are delighted to invite QAA Members to participate in a project in 2024-25.


Collaborative Enhancement Projects offer a fantastic opportunity for groups of providers to work together to explore areas of shared interest and enhance the quality of their own students' learning experiences.


Each project not only delivers benefits for the participating partners and their students, but also develops a wealth of insights and practical materials to support the wider QAA Membership community. 


Leading and participating in two different Collaborative Enhancement Projects since 2020 has been transformational for my personal and professional development. The opportunities have enabled me to create new connections and explore further collaborations with passionate, like-minded colleagues across the sector.

Sam Elkington, Professor of Learning and Teaching, Teesside University


Project themes

We are particularly interested in project proposals exploring the following themes:


Imaginative approaches for assessing knowledge and skills

For example:

  • inclusive assessment
  • authentic assessment
  • programme level and integrative assessment
  • optionality in assessment
  • assessing competence standards in the context of module and/or programme assessment.
Good practice in strategic reform

For example:

  • evidencing enhancement and change including using data to underpin decision making
  • student engagement in strategic reform such as curriculum review or changes in programme architecture
  • revising pedagogy, programme delivery and student support
  • impact on quality and standards.
Enhancing student outcomes

For example:

  • impactful approaches to narrowing awarding gaps
  • imaginative approaches to employability, experiential learning and learning by doing
  • evidencing interventions and enhancement: evaluation and use of data
  • recognising and reporting on educational gain
  • apprenticeships design and delivery.
Postgraduate provision

For example:

  • transition into and progression through postgraduate taught provision
  • writing with academic integrity in postgraduate research degrees.
Flexible pathways and effective transitions

For example:

  • effective approaches (including technologies and programme design) to supporting flexible and lifelong learning
  • imaginative use of credit and recognition of prior learning
  • supporting work-based and practice-based learning
  • supporting students to develop employability skills.

Share something else with us…

We are also willing to consider project proposals in different areas – get in touch and let us know what you’re thinking of working on and why this is a priority for you and other QAA Members.  

Apply now

Full details including funding allocation and selection criteria are available in the Call for expressions of interest document. To lead a project, please complete the Expression of Interest form and email it to by midday on Monday 11 November 2024. Successful applicants will be notified in January 2025.

Collaborative Enhancement Projects: Call for expressions of interest 2024-25

Publication date: 30 Sep 2024

Application Form - Collaborative Enhancement Projects: Call for expressions of interest 2024-25

Publication date: 30 Sep 2024


In the meantime, we’re very happy to discuss your ideas and answer any questions you have – please get in touch with us by emailing

More about collaborative enhancement

Since launching the scheme in 2020, we have supported 66 projects involving 146 providers and partners from across the UK, and internationally.


Earlier this year, QAA Cymru held a webinar to share experiences of collaborative enhancement across the UK, exploring the benefits and challenges of working with other providers, including consideration of any issues working across UK borders; and the relationships between different provider types. We have published a summary of the webinar.


Priorities outside of England

You may also be interested to learn more about the Scottish collaborative clusters, including how the institutions approached these and their outcomes and outputs.


In addition, QAA is supporting Collaborative Enhancement Projects led by higher education providers in Wales, funded via grant arrangements with Medr, the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research. There will be a call for expressions of interest for projects to be delivered in 2025 coming a little later this year. The outcomes of the Wales projects funded so far can be found on our website.